Tag Archives: reading

Radio interview with Paul Stones Radio Reverb

Amanda Williams

I was fortunate enough to be called into an interview with the charismatic Paul Stone who works for Radio Reverb in Brighton. The interview was about an hour long and the main subject was my novel, Just Two Weeks. Especially selected music to match the mood of my novel was played in between sections and we talked  about this and that while the music ran its course. To  be honest it was less like an interview and more like a chat. We broached other subjects including  this blog, my disability, what inspires me to write, whether or not I am a bohemian. Oh yes. I did a reading from my novel too! His colleague intercepted occasionally to put across his views of blogs and life in general, and to introduce the next interview with the band Red Diesel.  And the entire interview took place while a large dog who had initially jumped up top greet me, slept peacefully at my feet.

I was sorry when the time was up.

As he says – sit back with a glass of wine/cup of coffee/tea and have a listen….


P.S. Because Molly our cat was mentioned I gave the interview her picture.


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Filed under Book Review, Interview